Creating value through
good citizenship

Constituent of the
FTSE4Good Index,
recognising strong environmental, social and
governance practices measured against
global standards
Continued inclusion in the
FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Top 30 Index
which acknowledges South African companies
with leading environmental, social and
governance practices
Top Employer
in the South African retail sector
for the third consecutive year
Level 6
BBBEE rating in 2019
Broadening access to
Clicks Group supports the national healthcare agenda of making medicine more affordable and accessible for all South Africans. The group is actively building capacity through training and financial support to address the critical shortage of pharmacists.
71 million
units of medicine sold in 2019
852 000
clinic services
provided in 2019
Clicks pharmacies
across South Africa to broaden access to healthcare
266 million
units of medicine delivered
by UPD
194 clinics in Clicks pharmacies provide primary care health services
2 872 pharmacy and clinic professionals across Clicks
Largest employer of pharmacy staff in the private sector
Building capacity
R100 million donated over a two-year period by the Employee Share Ownership Trust to fund 100 bursaries annually
R35 million invested in bursaries for pharmacy students since 2012
135 bursaries awarded to pharmacy students in 2019
71 pharmacy internships provided in 2019
324 pharmacy assistants enrolled in 2019
429 Clicks stores serve as collection points for National Health Insurance medicine
Partnering with Western Cape and Northern Cape Departments of Health to provide baby immunisation and family planning services
Investing in our
The group is committed to the ongoing investment in its people through training and development, transformation, empowerment, competitive remuneration and incentive schemes, career path planning and by creating a stimulating working environment.
15 413
employees across retail stores, distribution centres and head office
1 320
jobs created
over the past
three years
Employment equity and diversity
Clicks Group is committed to creating a diverse workforce by attracting and developing previously disadvantaged people, women and employees with disabilities.
56% black directors
female directors
Board race and gender diversity policy targets exceeded
Skills development
R144 million invested in training and development in 2019
265 trainee managers registered
in store operations learnership
programme in 2019
20 graduates enrolled on the
retail graduate development
Investing in our
Clicks Group continues to demonstrate its commitment to making a sustainable contribution to the communities in which it trades. This is achieved through both enterprise development, by accelerating the sustainability and financial independence of black enterprises, as well as social investment through financial and product donations to non-profit organisations and initiatives.
R19.8 million
invested in socio-economic development projects aligned to the group’s focus on
health and well-being

Clicks helping hand trust
The trust aims to benefit the lives of ordinary South Africans by offering free preventative testing and wellness services through the footprint of over 190 Clicks clinics countrywide.
290 000 lives positively impacted since the launch of the trust
Mom and baby wellness and family services have reached over 117 000 families
HIV testing provided to over 76 000 South Africans through a campaign to encourage individuals to know their HIV status
Heart disease testing for more than 114 000 people to encourage healthier lifestyle choices
Diabetes testing and education for over 100 000 people on the prevention and early detection of the disease
Girls on the Go campaign has provided reusable and washable sanitary pads to over 19 000 schoolgirls
R61.6 million invested in enterprise and supplier development programmes
UPD owner-driver scheme
UPD contracts small enterprise owner-drivers to deliver products from UPD to Clicks, independent pharmacies, hospitals and clinics.
64 owner-drivers contracted to deliver products for UPD
R36 million paid to the driver scheme in 2019
Over R519 million paid since start of the scheme in 2003

The appliance bank
The Appliance Bank forms part of the highly successful social entrepreneurship programme, The Clothing Bank. The programme equips unemployed men with technical skills to repair donated damaged household appliances and the business skills to buy and on-sell the repaired electrical appliances.
Clicks donates all returned domestic electrical appliances to the project