Customer care from engaging and knowledgeable staff in the front shop and pharmacy.
Consistently good value-for money products delivered through competitive prices and effective promotions.
An extensive store footprint and pharmacy network in convenient locations allows for easy access to customers, supported by an online store and national pharmacy delivery service.
The product offering is differentiated through a wide range of private label and exclusive brands. Private label scheduled medicine ranges offer customers choice for quality generic medicine at a lower price.
ClubCard enables Clicks to personalise engagement and communication with customers, supporting the aim of the loyalty programme to increase basket size and value, and frequency of shopping.
In delivering on the group’s strategic objectives, management aims to balance and optimise the trade-offs between capitals to ensure long-term growth and sustainability.
While the commitment to investing in manufactured, intellectual, human and social and relationship capital erode financial capital in the short term, the long-term benefits are reflected in the group’s industry leading financial and operating metrics and sustained shareholder value creation.
Limiting the environmental impact of the operations to reduce the rate at which natural capital is depleted has a significant impact on financial capital in the short to medium term but should deliver the desired long-term benefits as the group ultimately moves towards carbon neutrality.
The key constraints encountered during the year were in relation to manufactured capital.
The group has no financial capital constraints owing to the strong cash flows generated by the operations and access to borrowings. Should these financial resources prove insufficient, the group’s strong balance sheet will enable management to access further loan funding or raise capital through the issue of shares.